Miramichi Youth Campus​ ​

Learn more about a place where young people who have been in trouble with the law can go to get help.


The Miramichi Youth Campus is a place where young people who have been in trouble with the law can go to get help. It focuses on treating young people with respect and dignity, while providing them with the tools they need to succeed.

The campus has four main goals:

  • To use the least intrusive approach possible

  • To be trauma-informed 

  • To focus on the rights of everyone

  • To be client-centered

A variety of youth workers are there to help in different ways and they wear informal attire. The campus also uses scanners to make sure that everyone stays safe.

The Miramichi Youth Campus is committed to supporting young people in becoming successful members of society. By providing education, therapy, and other resources, it helps them turn their lives around and build a brighter future.

Custody programs

The Miramichi Youth Campus has two types of custody programs: open and secure.

In open custody, young people reside in a structured environment that may include the opportunity to attend school or work, go on reintegration leave, and have access to a clinical team for mental health supports.

In secure custody, young people live in a closed environment and participate in similar programs to open custody. In addition, there is a focus on therapeutic community, which helps young people work through difficult emotions and behaviors. There are also programs that help them reintegrate into the community before they leave the facility.

Both programs are designed to help young people make positive changes in their lives and become successful members of society.