FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government today released a reference manual to assist those who are interested in a career in farming to access services and information.

Farming in New Brunswick… A Road Map for New Entrants was presented in the legislative assembly by Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries Minister Rick Doucet.

“New Brunswick has optimal land at relatively affordable prices and access to an abundance of clean, healthy water,” said Doucet. “Our new road map promotes all of those attributes and provides new entrants with a straightforward guide to chart their course in agriculture.”

The road map includes a list of the licences and permits required for various types of farming operations, with instructions on how to obtain them, as well as information about developing a business plan and identifying markets. There are also sections on organic farming and value-added products.

“To create jobs and improve our economy, we need to identify new sectors and create opportunities for growth in traditional sectors like agriculture,” said Doucet.

Doucet was joined by representatives of the Agricultural Alliance of New Brunswick and the National Farmers Union at the legislative assembly. Both organizations provided support in the development of the road map.

“The Agricultural Alliance of New Brunswick is pleased by the efforts of the Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries towards the development of the new entrant road map,” said Mike Bouma, president of the alliance. “We are confident that the road map will assist new entrants and provide them with valuable information and contact information for various industry leaders.”

“This is a positive initiative to address New Brunswick’s declining farm population and idle farm land,” said Ted Wiggans, president of the National Farmers Union in New Brunswick. “New farming entrants and farmers interested in immigrating to the province will find this a valuable tool. This resource highlights what new farmers need to consider in terms of regulations and resources, which will help them make good decisions.”

The road map is available online.