SAINT ANDREWS (GNB) – An investment of $460,000 is being made in equipment aimed at improving the effectiveness, quality and sustainability of New Brunswick’s fisheries and seafood sector.

The funding will help the Atlantic Canada Fish Farmers Association with the purchase and installation of two real-time monitoring buoys equipped with sensors. Data collected from the buoys in Passamaquoddy Bay will be used to support decision-making for the aquaculture industry and for matters of concern to other marine users, such as fishers and tourism operators.

“Investing in technology like real-time monitoring buoys in the Bay of Fundy is an important part of our commitment to the long-term sustainability of the provincial seafood and aquaculture industries,” said Aquaculture and Fisheries Minister Rick Doucet. “The success of this sector is a direct result of the hard work, innovative people and companies behind it. Demand for New Brunswick’s seafood is at an all-time high and we will continue to work with our aquaculture and fisheries sectors to find new ways to thrive, generate jobs and contribute to our economy.”

The contribution comes from the $400-million Atlantic Fisheries Fund, which is funded by the federal, provincial and territorial governments. The fund aims to increase opportunities and market value for sustainably sourced, high-quality fish and seafood products from Atlantic Canada.

“Innovation in this sector, which is integral to the Canadian economy, means more job opportunities for hundreds of small coastal and Indigenous communities across not only Atlantic Canada, but the country,” said federal Fisheries, Oceans and Canadian Coast Guard Minister Jonathan Wilkinson. “I am so proud that we are delivering on our mandate to protect our fisheries and ensure that they remain healthy for future generations.”

The buoys will monitor the ocean’s current, salinity, wave height, oxygen, temperatures and other environmental data.