FREDERICTON (CNB) - The Department of Public Safety's New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization (NB-EMO) is advising New Brunswickers to prepare for heavy rainfall and wind gusts beginning Sunday morning and overnight into Monday as Hurricane Irene approaches the region.

Forecasts are calling for up to 100 mm of rain, pounding surf, and wind gusts of up to 65 km/h.

"People need to pay attention to weather forecasts and take steps to ensure that their homes and properties are secure," Public Safety Minister and Solicitor General Robert Trevors said. "While we do not know the extent of potential damage, we do know that heavy rains and wind gusts will occur. It is important that we all do our part to prepare."

Heavy rainfall can result in rapid increases in water levels in streams and rivers, and can cause localized flash flooding. They can also produce flooding, even in areas that have not been prone to floods in the past.

Farmers downstream of Mactaquac are advised that water levels in the St. John River could produce flooding in low-lying areas adjacent to the river. They should take steps to protect their livestock and equipment.

Boaters are advised that with the possibility of high winds, strong wave conditions may develop, and that they should take steps to protect boats, docks and other equipment. With the high winds, utility poles and lines are at risk of possible damage from blown down tree branches and trees, which can result in the loss of telephone and electrical services.

NB-EMO advises residents to prepare to have everything they need for up to 72 hours. Residents should stock up on food, water, medications, batteries and other necessities. The public is encouraged to download the 72-Hour Emergency Guide, which contains practical information and checklists to assist in developing an emergency plan. Copies of the guide are also available through 1-800-O-CANADA (1-800-622-6232), or via email, [email protected].

NB Power crews are ready. People are reminded never to touch any downed power lines or associated debris. In addition, NB Power reminds those on a well system to draw off water before the storm.

People should also check on neighbours, elderly relatives, and anyone with special medical needs, to ensure they have everything they need in the event of a power outage.

The Department of Transportation offers the following reminders to motorists:

●    In severe weather, stay off the roads if possible.
●    If you do have to drive in high winds, be cautious and watch for debris on the roads such as branches and trees.
●    Visibility can be severely reduced during downpours; reduce your speed.
●    Watch for standing water on the roads, which could cause hydroplaning.
●    Be on the lookout for washed-out road shoulders and culverts. If you see any debris on the roads, or damaged culverts, report it to your local RCMP detachment.
●    Be careful in construction zones, as high winds may damage or move safety signage.

The Department of Transportation has crews on standby to clean up debris as needed.

The public is reminded that the best way to access emergency services is to call 9-1-1.

All New Brunswick residents should continue to monitor conditions and local forecasts, as conditions could worsen at short notice.


●    72-Hour Emergency Guide:
●    Canadian Hurricane Centre:
●    Local weather conditions and forecasts:
●    New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization: