FREDERICTON (GNB) – Spring weight restrictions for truck traffic will come into effect in southern New Brunswick at midnight on Sunday, March 3, and continue until midnight on Sunday, May 12. Restrictions for northern New Brunswick will begin at midnight on Sunday, March 10, and continue until midnight, Sunday, May 19.

These dates are dependent on weather conditions and are subject to change.

"Weight limits are put in place by the department to ensure that our road infrastructure does not suffer damage during the annual frost and thaw cycle," said Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Claude Williams. "We provide this notice to trucking companies so that they are better able to plan their loads and routes during the spring break-up period. I thank the members of the transportation industry for their understanding and co-operation during these annual restrictions, which help to keep our road system in the best possible shape.”

For the purpose of these restrictions, northern New Brunswick includes:

●    the area lying within the counties of Northumberland, Gloucester, Restigouche, Madawaska and Victoria;
●    the portion of Route 108 within York County;
●    the portion of Gordon Vale Road and Holtville Road within York County;
●    the portion of Bloomfield Ridge Road between Holtville Road and Route 625; and
●    the portion of Route 625 between Gordon Vale Road and Route 8.

A final notice will be issued and advertised later this month, and a detailed list of affected highways will be available online at that time.