WOODSTOCK (GNB) – Sod-turnings were held today to mark the official start of construction of two new schools in Woodstock. Premier David Alward and Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Marie-Claude Blais attended each ceremony.

"New Brunswick's future depends on our public education system remaining innovative and responsive to the needs of our young people and communities," Alward said. "Investments in schools are an important part of our government's plan to create good jobs and a better future for New Brunswickers here at home."

The provincial government awarded a contract worth $18.7 million to Dora Construction Ltd. of Dieppe to build a new Centennial Elementary School on a 2.68-hectare (6.7-acre) property on Elizabeth Street. Site preparation and foundation work have begun.

The government awarded a contract worth $20.5 million to Springhill Construction Ltd. of Fredericton to build a new Southern Carleton Elementary School on an 8.8-hectare (22-acre) site off the Bull Road at Bedell. Site preparation and foundation work have begun.
"Schools are the bedrock of our province's public education system, which plays a vital role in our government's work to rebuild New Brunswick," Blais said. "Our government is proud to invest in the two schools, ensuring local children will continue to thrive in safe, healthy learning environments."

Both schools are expected to be open in the fall of 2014. About 650 students will attend each school, from kindergarten to Grade 8.

Each school will have 29 classrooms as well as rooms for music, art, science and technology; project-work areas; a multi-purpose room; a cafetorium; and a library. Each will also have two gymnasiums and a daycare centre. They will be built in accordance with the provincial government's Green Building Policy.

Debec Elementary School, Woodstock Middle School and the current Southern Carleton Elementary School and Centennial Elementary School will close when the new buildings open.