MIRAMICHI (GNB) – An $18 million school being built in Miramichi will be named King Street Elementary School.

“I am pleased to be able to unveil the name of this new school in Miramichi,” said Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Bill Fraser. “The community is happy to have this important infrastructure to accommodate the needs of current and future students.”

The school is being built on King Street in the eastern section of Miramichi with a planned opening in September 2017.  It will accommodate 400 students and will replace Ian Baillie Primary School, built in 1959, and St. Andrews Elementary School, built in 1963.

“We are continuing to invest in education so we can make our province the best place to raise a family,” said Fraser. “King Street Elementary School will help create a safe, welcoming learning environment for the children in the Miramichi area.”

About $88 million will be invested in public schools in 2017-18.