HANWELL (GNB) – The provincial government and the Rural Community of Hanwell have reached an agreement for the transfer of surplus government property on Hanwell Road.

The property, which belonged to the Department of Energy and Resource Development, will be purchased by Hanwell for $38,500. It will be the site of a new municipal building.

“The disposal of surplus property is a revenue generator for the province,” said deputy premier Stephen Horsman. “It also saves the province annual maintenance costs, and allows for community development.”

Horsman spoke on behalf of Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Bill Fraser.

The market value was determined by an accredited appraiser. The transfer of the property is expected to be complete by the end of the year.

“This is just one of the many examples of how two levels of government can join together to meet the needs of residents,” said Hanwell Mayor Chris Melvin. “We look forward to many such opportunities in the future.”

The sale and redevelopment of surplus properties can provide economic and social benefits to communities, including revitalization and job creation. The government is committed to providing communities with the tools to facilitate growth and development.