NEGUAC (GNB) – The provincial government will invest almost $9 million in chip seal, resealing and bridge repair projects in parts of Northumberland County this year as part of its 2018-19 capital budget.

“This is a great investment in Neguac, the Miramichi and surrounding areas,” said Seniors and Long-Term Care Minister Lisa Harris. “Your government has invested strategically in roads and highways and will continue to ensure they are safe.”

Harris spoke on behalf of Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Bill Fraser.

The Centennial Bridge refurbishment in Miramichi is also included in this year’s budget.

Under the Municipal Designated Highway Program, the government and the Village of Neguac will fund the installation of a storm sewer system on Stymiest Street.

The program allows municipalities to apply for funding assistance for capital upgrade projects. Funding for the program has more than doubled since the 2014-15 fiscal year, increasing to $25 million in 2015. It has remained at that level as part of a government commitment to sustain funding for municipalities.

The government will reseal a 10.2-kilometre section of the Northwest Road from Mullin Road to Chaplin Island Cross Road; level 9.5 kilometres of Route 430 between the Miramichi city limit and Hilltop Road; reseal a 7.5-kilometre section of Route 430 from the Northwest Miramichi Bridge toward the Springhill quarry; level 6.4 kilometres of Grattan Road; chip seal a three-kilometre section of Beaverbrook Road between the Miramichi city limit and 1189 Beaverbrook Road; reseal three kilometres of Route 420; and chip seal a 700-metre section of MacTavish Road. Two sections of Hilltop Road and two sections of Back Road will also be chip sealed.

The Department of Transportation and Infrastructure’s $688.2-million capital budget reflects the government’s priority of investing strategically in its buildings, highways and bridges. Strategic investments in infrastructure are a key component of the multi-year New Brunswick Economic Growth Plan, the government’s framework for growing the economy and creating jobs.