FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government announced today that carbon monoxide monitors will be installed in about 160 provincial schools which have fuel-fired appliances.

Tenders were issued on June 3. Installation work will begin during the summer break and is expected to be completed before school heating systems are turned on this fall.

“The health and safety of our students is our top priority,” said Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Dominic Cardy. “I am proud that this initiative will help ensure our schools remain as safe as possible by providing monitoring devices for schools with fuel-fired appliances.”

“We have identified an opportunity to make our schools safer and we are working diligently to have this work completed,” said Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Bill Oliver. “Each school requires an individual assessment and plan for installation, and while these assessments are ongoing, we are eager to get started.”

Once installed, these new systems will provide early detection and alerts should carbon monoxide be present in the schools. The devices were not installed in these schools initially as they are not required by the National Building Code of Canada, which is the standard the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure builds to.

“Carbon monoxide poisoning can occur quickly and without notice,” said provincial fire marshal Michael Lewis. “It has no colour, taste or smell and does not irritate the eyes, nose or throat. Whether in the school or at home, installing a carbon monoxide alarm is the only way to ensure people’s safety.”