FLORENCEVILLE-BRISTOL (GNB) – The provincial and federal governments have announced over $5.5 million for seven infrastructure projects in western New Brunswick.

The projects include: road infrastructure projects on Route 560 in the River de Chute area; a small bridge replacement over Indian Brook on Route 105; paving on Route 590 in Waterville; and grading and slope repair along Route 105 in the Medford area.

There are also three municipal projects: a scenic river lookout in Bath; sports field upgrades in Grand Falls; and water reservoir upgrades in Saint-André. Participating municipalities will contribute more than $320,000 for those projects.

“We are pleased to be once again partnering with the federal government for these important projects,” said Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Bill Oliver. “These are improvements that will benefit residents of western New Brunswick.”

The provincial government will contribute more than $2.7 million, while the federal government has allocated more than $2.8 million.

“Investments in tourism, highways and roads, water and wastewater services and recreational facilities are essential to building thriving, prosperous communities,” said Tobique-Mactaquac MP T.J. Harvey. “The Government of Canada is proud to support these important projects across New Brunswick that will strengthen the economy and improve the quality of life for our residents, now and in the future.”

Harvey commented for federal Rural Economic Development Minister Bernadette Jordan.

Provincial funding for these projects is provided through the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure’s capital budget and through the Regional Development Corporation. Federal funding comes from the Rural and Northern Infrastructure Stream, the New Building Canada Fund – Small Communities Fund and the Community, Culture and Recreation Stream.