Government of New Brunswick

Traditional French Dance



Step Lively

Offers a variety of French dances used in the classroom, like La Bastringue

Each exercise includes a short history, with tips for successful teaching of the dance. Many songs include musical notation, accompanying music and instructions in both English and French.



French Music



French Folk Songs Children Love

This is a collection of French folk songs and singing games traditional to French Canadians. The songs included in this book were chosen to teach students musical concepts while learning about cultures around the world. Your child may already know traditional French songs like Napoléon and Frère Jacques!

The book includes an accompanying disc with sing-along and instrumental versions of the songs. 

Students enjoy listening upbeat songs about animals and learning the alphabet and numbers in French. To find out about their products, call Kidzup at 514-931-0043 - ext: 112



Children enjoy activities about getting to know one another in their grade two learning experiences. As part of this, they will listen and move to Bonjour Monsieur. Other featured songs are C’est L’Halloween and Pour voir les animaux.

For a link to purchase this resource, try here



Simple Children's French Books


Want to practice at home some of the stories your child is learning at school? The following are some titles from the Mini-Rat de Bibliothèque collection that are used in your child's introduction to French language and culture. Some books have an accompanying audio CD so that your child may also listen to the book read in French.


Some titles include:

  • Qui a Peur? (Who's afraid?)
  • Hourra! Tout un Plat (Hurray! A Complete Dish)
  • Casimir le Maladroit (Clumsy Casimir)
  • Tchou! Tchou! Tchou! (Choo! Choo! Choo!)
  • Les Chapeaux de Madame Caron (Madame Charon's Hats)
  • En Route, Papillons! (Let's Go, Butterflies!)
  • Abracadabra
  • Stop! Léa
  • Des monstres
  • Un ogre trop gourmand

Visit their website to order.


French Poetry Book with Audio CD



100 Comptines features poems from Québec , France and other French-speaking countries. Some of these poems, like Une Coccinelle Sur Une Échelle, are used in the classroom to encourage your child to identify the meaning of the words in French.