FREDERICTON (GNB) – Residents in two areas of the province will vote on becoming larger municipalities on Dec. 8. They are as follows:

  • The Village of Eel River Crossing, the local service district (LSD) of Dundee and portions of the LSDs of the Parish of Dalhousie, McLeods and Dalhousie Junction; and
  • The Village of Atholville, LSDs of St-Arthur and Val D’Amours, as well as one property within the LSD of Blair Athol.

“We support communities that want to come together to restructure and share services within a larger municipality,” Environment and Local Government Minister Brian Kenny said. “I encourage residents to take an active role in their communities by casting their votes.”

Over the past several months, steering committees in these areas have worked with the Department of Environment and Local Government in studying if a larger municipality would be right for their residents. The committees are made up of local service district advisory committee members, business representatives, and local residents. They studied issues such as establishing geographical boundaries, maintaining community identity, providing local services, and projecting expenditures and revenues.

Information sessions and public consultations were also carried out as part of the development of the feasibility study.