SAINT-ANDRÉ (GNB) – A $1.3 million water reservoir project was announced today in Saint-André under the Small Communities Fund.

“A new water reservoir will ensure a safe and sustainable water supply for this community,” said Victoria-La-Vallée MLA Chuck Chiasson. “This project supports infrastructure improvements and job creation in partnership with all levels of government.”

Chiasson attended the announcement for Environment and Local Government Minister Brian Kenny.

“Our government understands that by building stronger communities and modernizing and developing our infrastructure, we are creating jobs and opportunities and building a better Canada for future generations,” said Tobique-Mactaquac MP Mike Allen. “The Small Communities Fund of the New Building Canada Fund supports economic growth from coast to coast to coast while ensuring that Canadian communities remain among the best in the world to live.”

Allen attended the announcement for Infrastructure, Communities and Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Denis Lebel.

The new reservoir and tower will be 1,820 cubic meters and will replace a current water tank built in 1980.

“We are pleased to be working with our government partners to improve our community’s water infrastructure,” said Saint-André Mayor Allain Desjardins. “The increased capacity and accessibility of water through the reservoir and tower will go a long way toward ensuring Saint-André can provide high-quality services to residents and contribute to the growth and vibrancy of our community.”

Under the Small Communities Fund, the provincial government is partnering with the federal government to jointly invest a total of about $79 million in infrastructure over the next 10 years. Each project also receives matched funding from the community for a total investment of more than $118 million.

A total of 38 projects in New Brunswick communities will receive funding for strategic infrastructure initiatives that contribute to both a cleaner environment and economic growth. This is the first round of investments under the fund.

The Small Communities Fund was announced last year as part of the federal government’s 10-year infrastructure plan for communities with a population of less than 100,000. The fund was created under the New Building Canada Plan 2014-2024.

Eligible categories include highways and major roads, public transit, disaster mitigation, connectivity and broadband, innovation, wastewater, green energy, drinking water, solid waste management, brownfield redevelopment, local and regional airports, short-line rail, short-sea shipping and northern infrastructure.