FREDERICTON (GNB) – A select committee of the legislative assembly is being established to develop a stronger New Brunswick response to climate change.

“Climate change is the single most significant challenge of our generation,” said Environment and Local Government Minister Brian Kenny. “Through this select committee, we will foster dialogue on how we can seize the opportunities that come along with fighting climate change and address its impacts in a way that respects New Brunswick’s distinct economic challenges and opportunities.”

The all-party committee is charged with consulting the public and interested stakeholders on options to strengthen New Brunswick’s response to climate change. A discussion guide is being developed to aid in these efforts.

Members of the committee are:

  • Carleton-Victoria MLA Andrew Harvey;
  • Memramcook-Tantramar MLA Bernard LeBlanc;
  • Moncton East MLA Monique LeBlanc;
  • Charlotte-Campobello MLA John Ames;
  • Shippagan-Lamèque-Miscou MLA Wilfred Roussel;
  • Oromocto- Lincoln MLA Jody Carr;
  • Albert MLA Brian Keirstead; and
  • Fredericton South MLA David Coon.

“The government’s vision is to position New Brunswick as a leader in job creation and economic development, and a key part of achieving this vision is ensuring that we do our part to address climate change,” said Kenny. “A strengthened plan for how we will combat climate change will provide a clear road map of actions designed to achieve our vision of reducing greenhouse gas emissions with continued economic growth and increasing the resilience of New Brunswick to climate change through adaptation.”

The committee will prepare and table a report of its work in the legislative assembly.