TRACADIE (GNB) – The provincial government is supporting environmental groups in the Tracadie region by contributing about $100,000 from the Environmental Trust Fund for four projects.

“The fund is an excellent funding program that supports local and regional environmental projects both small and large,” said Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Serge Rousselle. “With these investments we are helping to grow the green economy and create jobs while protecting our province’s air, land and water resources.”

Rousselle spoke on behalf of Environment and Local Government Minister Brian Kenny.

The following organizations received funding:

  • Association des bassins versants de la grande et petite rivière Tracadie will receive $50,000 for two projects: $10,000 to reduce sediment in Trout Brook and Seal Brook and $40,000 to monitor and improve water quality in the Tracadie watershed;
  • Société des estuaires et du littoral will receive $40,000 to increase awareness, adaptation and resilience against the impact of rising sea levels; and
  • Nature NB will receive $8,000 to protect coastal habitats and raise awareness of species and places at risk on the Acadian Peninsula.

The Environmental Trust Fund provides assistance to community groups, organizations, municipalities and institutions for projects that produce tangible, measurable benefits to the environment.

A total of 207 projects valued at $6.5 million have been approved under the fund.

In addition, another $1.5 million has been set aside to support projects later in the year.

More information, including the list of approved projects and initiatives, is available on the Department of Environment and Local Government’s website.