FREDERICTON (GNB) – Acting on the favourable vote expressed by Haut-Madawaska residents last fall, cabinet has adopted a new regulation under the Municipalities Act to incorporate the rural community of Haut-Madawaska.

Incorporation will take effect on July 1, and residents will elect their first council on May 15.

“Your government believes decisions affecting communities are best made by the communities themselves,” said Environment and Local Government Minister Serge Rousselle. “The rural community model provides for increased decision-making at the local level and allows communities to work together to ensure their long-term economic and social prosperity.”

Last November, people in the local service districts of Saint-François, Clair, Baker Brook, Saint-Hilaire, Lac Baker and Madawaska voted in favour of forming a rural community with the villages of Saint-Hilaire, Baker-Brook, Clair and Saint-Francois-de-Madawaska.

“I commend the tremendous work accomplished by the feasibility study committee for Haut-Madawaska, which led to the creation of the new rural community,” said Economic Development Minister Francine Landry. “Your government is listening and is committed to getting things done by collaborating with rural communities, local service districts and municipalities.”

The rural community model is designed to give residents in rural areas the means to carry out community planning and to ensure that local services match their community needs, wants and budgets.

The rural community model calls for an elected council chaired by a mayor. Once established, a rural community provides administrative, community planning, and emergency measures services. Other services may be taken on at a pace that is acceptable to the community.