FREDERICTON (GNB) – Federal, provincial and municipal governments are combining to invest more than $1.7 million in improved water and wastewater infrastructure in Fredericton.

“Strong communities are built with strong and strategic infrastructure investments for essential services like clean drinking water and reliable wastewater services,” said deputy premier Stephen Horsman. “Your government is getting things done in areas that are a priority for New Brunswickers. These investments contribute to economic growth and a clean environment, and will have a lasting positive impact on the quality of life of all residents.”

The project includes renewing about 510 metres of storm sewers and water and sanitary sewer mains, along with related roadwork.

“By investing in water and wastewater infrastructure, the Government of Canada is supporting Canada’s ongoing transition to a clean, sustainable-growth economy and creating well-paying middle-class jobs,” said Fredericton MP Matt DeCourcey. “The improvements to Fredericton’s infrastructure will ensure residents continue to have access to safe drinking water, while protecting the local environment.”

DeCourcey attended for federal Infrastructure and Communities Minister François-Philippe Champagne.

The provincial government is investing $428,000 and the federal government is contributing $856,000 to these improvements through the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund. The City of Fredericton will provide the balance of the funding.

“The City of Fredericton thanks the federal and provincial governments for the funding received in support of the Sunset Drive construction project,” said Mayor Mike O’Brien. “It will allow for the installation of water, sanitary sewer and stormwater mains, and help us address our overall infrastructure deficit.”

The Clean Water and Wastewater Fund is designed to improve the safety and quality of water while supporting a clean economy.