FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following statement was issued today by Environment and Local Government Minister Jeff Carr following Saint John Common Council’s decision to accept Sustaining Saint John: A three-part plan:

I am pleased that the action plan was accepted Monday night. It opens a new and exciting chapter in which we get to work helping Saint John return to its strong and vibrant roots for the future success of the city. It opens the door to greater collaboration, which has begun among regional mayors.

I thank the working committee, which was made up of provincial and city officials, for their hard work and dedication to creating a plan with concrete actions to move the city and the Greater Saint John region towards a stronger economy.

I also thank common council and city staff for their hard work these last months in getting us to Monday night’s vote.

In many ways Saint John is ground zero for a number of challenges shared by local governments across the province. The decisions, actions and leadership taken now will have a positive and lasting impact upon the city, the region and the province.

Our province needs resilient, financially stable communities that offer high-quality services. Stronger communities will lead to a better quality of life for all residents. It is important that we work together in meeting the needs of New Brunswickers in the long term.