FREDERICTON (GNB) – The Department of Environment and Local Government is now accepting applications for funding under the Environmental Trust Fund.

“The Environmental Trust Fund has supported thousands of projects that protect our rivers, educate our youth and preserve our environment for almost 30 years,” said Environment and Local Government Minister Jeff Carr. “Together, we are supporting organizations that are making our communities more vibrant and sustainable while achieving the objectives of our Climate Change Action Plan.”

The fund provides financial support to New Brunswick municipalities, community groups, First Nations, non-profit organizations and institutions for projects that produce tangible, measurable benefits to the environment.

Money for the fund comes from about half of the environmental fees paid on redeemable beverage containers. Last year, the fund provided more than $8 million to about 230 projects.

The 2020-21 priority action areas for the fund are:

  • protecting the environment
  • increasing environmental awareness
  • managing waste
  • addressing climate change
  • building sustainable communities

Submissions will be assessed based on their merit and how they address these areas.

The application form and additional information are available online. Only online applications will be accepted. The application deadline is Nov. 30.

Having vibrant and sustainable communities is one of the government’s key priorities. More information about the government’s priorities and measurements is available online.