FREDERICTON (GNB) – The Department of Environment and Local Government is now accepting applications for funding for the Environmental Trust Fund.

“Year after year we are pleased to see innovative proposals that align with our priority areas as well as with the Climate Change Action Plan,” said Environment and Climate Change Minister Gary Crossman. “The fund is a positive initiative that continues to engage New Brunswickers in sustaining the future of our province.”

The fund provides financial support to municipalities, community groups, First Nations, non-profit organizations and institutions for projects that produce tangible, measurable benefits to the environment.

Money for the fund comes from about half of the environmental fees paid on redeemable beverage containers. Last year, the fund provided just over $9 million for 266 projects.

Submissions for the 2021-22 fund will be assessed based on their merit and on how they address the following priority areas:

  • protecting the environment
  • increasing environmental awareness
  • managing waste
  • addressing climate change
  • building sustainable communities

The application form and additional information are available online. Only online applications will be accepted. This year, applicants are asked to include information on how their proposed projects can be carried out if COVID-19 restrictions are in place during the project. The application deadline is Nov. 30.