FREDERICTON (GNB) – The 2018 Air Quality Monitoring Results report was released today.

“As reflected in this report, air quality in New Brunswick is very good, and the province continues to benefit from continued air quality monitoring initiatives,” said Environment and Climate Change Minister Gary Crossman. “We are committed to continuing to improve air quality and to building healthy, vibrant and sustainable communities.”

Report highlights include:

  • Overall, New Brunswick has good air quality.
  • Acid rain levels remain very low.
  • Exceedances of provincial air quality objectives were rare and very short-lived.
  • There were no exceedances of Canadian Ambient Air Quality Standards in the province in 2018.

The 2018 report includes data from 11 air quality monitoring stations and five acid rain stations. During this reporting period, industry operated an additional 32 stations. The key pollutants monitored include carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ground level ozone, particulate matter, total reduced sulphur, and volatile organic compounds.

Air quality monitoring in New Brunswick is a partnership between Environment and Climate Change Canada and the Department of Environment and Local Government under the National Air Pollution Surveillance Agreement.

The report and other detailed results, including the Air Quality Data Portal, are available on the Department of Environment and Local Government website.