FREDERICTON (CNB) – The provincial government will hold a forum on natural gas development from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 23, in Fredericton.

"Our government understands that natural gas development could have great economic potential yet raises legitimate concerns and poses challenges," said Natural Resources Minister Bruce Northrup, who is also chair of the Natural Gas Steering Committee. "This event is part of our government's wider commitment to engage New Brunswickers."

Forty representatives of First Nations and stakeholders representing various sectors across the province have been invited to participate in the forum, which will provide an opportunity to share information and suggestions and to review the Natural Gas Action Plan Framework developed by the committee.

"Our government supports the responsible expansion of the natural gas sector while ensuring the safety and security of New Brunswickers and of our groundwater supply," said Environment Minister Margaret-Ann Blaney. "This forum provides the opportunity for stakeholders and government to work together on a joint strategy for the future."

The forum is being organized by the Natural Gas Steering Committee, which includes the ministers and deputy ministers of Environment, Energy and Natural Resources. The steering committee was established to ensure any expansion of the natural gas sector is developed in a careful and responsible manner.

The stakeholders invited to participate in the forum are:

●    Aboriginal groups;
●    Agricultural Alliance of New Brunswick;
●    Association francophone des municipalités du Nouveau-Brunswick;
●    Atlantica Center for Energy;
●    Canadian Federation of Independent Business;
●    Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters New Brunswick;
●    Cities of New Brunswick Association ;
●    Citizens for Responsible Resource Development;
●    Conseil économique du Nouveau-Brunswick;
●    Conservation Council of New Brunswick;
●    Fundy Model Forest;
●    Institut de recherche sur les zones côtières;
●    Mount Allison University;
●    National Farmers Union of New Brunswick;
●    New Brunswick Association of Planning Commissions;
●    New Brunswick Environmental Network;
●    New Brunswick Federation of Woodlot Owners;
●    New Brunswick Innovation Foundation;
●    New Brunswick Official Opposition (Liberals);
●    New Democratic Party;
●    New Brunswick Chamber of Commerce;
●    New Brunswick Forest Products Assoc.;
●    New Brunswick Federation of Labour;
●    representative of  natural gas producers;
●    Research and Productivity Council;
●    New Brunswick Environment Industry Association;
●    Quality of Life Initiative group;
●    St. Thomas University;
●    Union of the Municipalities of New Brunswick;
●    University of New Brunswick; and
●    Université de Moncton.