FREDERICTON (CNB) – The report of a task force on establishing timber objectives for Crown land is now available on the Department of Natural Resources website.

Natural Resources Minister Bruce Northrup released today the report prepared by the Crown Land Task Force. He said he would welcome comments from the public on the recommendations and suggestions made.

"I thank chairman Norman Betts and committee members Andrea Feunekes and Roger Clinch for carrying out this important task,'' said Northrup. "Their report will greatly assist us as we work to establish timber objectives for both public and private forests.''

A second task force, the Private Forestland Task Force, is due to submit a report by year's end with recommendations for establishing timber objectives that will provide a stable and predictable wood supply from private woodlots.

"Having timber objectives for Crown and private land will focus the efforts of private woodlot owners, industry and government on putting in place the right policies and practices to improve the competitiveness of our forest sector,'' said Northrup. "Improving competitiveness will allow us to grow this sector.''

The minister said the recommendations and suggestions made by the Crown Land Task Force will be considered by the provincial government as it works to set timber objectives for Crown land and to establish the next management plan for Crown forests, to take effect in 2012.

"I encourage all those who are interested in our forests and the role they play in our economy, our environment and our way of life to read this report and submit their comments by Jan. 13,'' said Northrup.

Comments can be submitted to [email protected].


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