FREDERICTON (GNB) – New Brunswickers have an additional two months to provide comments on two discussion papers on the responsible environmental management of oil and gas activities in New Brunswick. Natural Resources Minister Bruce Northrup made the announcement today.

"While I am pleased with the more than 100 comments we have already received, I have had people ask for more time to read the discussion paper, do additional research and provide their comments,'' said Northrup. "As a result, we are asking interested persons to submit their comments by Sept. 18 rather than by July 18.''

He said this extension means New Brunswickers will have a full four months to provide comments following the release of the Responsible Environmental Management of Oil and Gas Activities in New Brunswick. The paper contains 116 recommended actions and standards to strengthen the provincial government's regulatory framework for oil and gas exploration and development.

The extended deadline also applies to a second discussion paper, Sharing Of Royalty Revenues From Natural Gas Activities in New Brunswick. This document outlines how the provincial government proposes to share royalties from natural gas activities with landowners who host a producing well on their property as well as with nearby communities and local service districts.

The two documents as well as information about how to submit comments are online.