FREDERICTON (GNB) – Hunters who have harvested a black bear will be allowed to buy a second hunting licence beginning this fall. The provincial government is also extending the annual firearms bear hunting season by two weeks.

These changes to the Hunting Regulation under the Fish and Wildlife Act will take effect Sept. 1.

“New Brunswick has a healthy and increasing black bear population estimated at more than 16,500 animals, which makes these changes to the hunting season possible,” said Natural Resources Minister Paul Robichaud. “We are pleased to provide hunters with greater opportunities to engage in their sport in the upcoming season.”

Residents will be permitted to buy a second licence immediately after having registered a black bear they have harvested. The second licence will be valid for the rest of the bear hunting season for that calendar year. The current bag-limit is one bear per calendar year.

In the case of non-residents, the purchase of a second licence will depend on availability directly from an outfitter or guide with an allocation of non-resident licences or from the Department of Natural Resources.

The fall firearms bear hunting season will start Sept. 1 and run until the first Saturday in November. The last full week of September will be restricted to bow and crossbow hunting, which will coincide with the new five-day moose hunting season.

The black bear harvest generates considerable interest among non-resident hunters and supports an outfitting industry that contributes $4 to 5 million annually to the provincial economy.

“These two measures will respond to interest among New Brunswickers as well as visitors to the province to take advantage of a sustainable bear hunt,” said Robichaud.

An estimated 10 to 15 per cent of hunters who have harvested a bear say they are willing to buy a second licence.

The provincial government is responding to stakeholders such as the New Brunswick Wildlife Federation, which passed resolutions requesting that the department increase the opportunity to harvest black bears.

“The New Brunswick Wildlife Federation is pleased and supportive of the changes proposed by the Department of Natural Resources,” said federation president Charles Leblanc. “Our members play an integral part in the management of a healthy bear population. Because of the increase in bear numbers in recent years, we believe that the harvest of a second bear will be beneficial. We ask the department to continue monitoring the bear population closely and we trust that the best scientific data will be used to maintain this valuable natural resource.”

The provincial government is also responding to the New Brunswick Professional Outfitter Guide Association, which has requested a longer bear hunting season in September and the opportunity to sell a second hunting licence to clients who have previously harvested a bear.

“On behalf of the New Brunswick Professional Outfitters Guide Association, I thank the government and Department of Natural Resources for the changes made in the hunting regulations,” said association president Dale Clark. “A five-day moose hunt and a two-week-longer bear season will make New Brunswick a desirable destination for hunting and fishing. The bonus of being able to purchase a second licence in the same calendar year will increase revenue and tourism to the province. This will also assist in controlling nuisance bears from a growing population.”