SAINT ANDREWS (GNB) – Premier Brian Gallant will travel to Alberta next week to reaffirm his support for, and interest in, the completion of the Energy East Pipeline Project. He will also investigate potential investments in New Brunswick.

“As part of our plan to move New Brunswick forward, we must tap into the business growth opportunities presented by the Energy East Pipeline Project,” said Gallant. “The pipeline and other projects present excellent opportunities to leverage investment in our New Brunswick businesses from Alberta-based businesses to help grow our economy.”

Gallant and Energy and Mines Minister Donald Arseneault will be in Alberta from Oct. 19 to 22. Their itinerary includes a meeting with Alberta Premier Jim Prentice in Calgary, and a meeting with senior TransCanada officials in Calgary which will also include other New Brunswick companies participating in a separate trade mission to Alberta.

Additional activities include touring TransCanada’s Oil Control Centre and attending the organization’s 14th annual supplier symposium.

“We are aware of the opportunities for New Brunswick companies to become suppliers for this important project,” said Arseneault. “The purpose for meeting business leaders there is to demonstrate our commitment to the Energy East pipeline and to secure supply-chain opportunities for New Brunswick businesses.”