FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government is fulfilling another commitment in Moving New Brunswick Forward by publicly releasing a series of forestry agreements signed last summer which gave private companies increased access to Crown land.

“The previous process lacked transparency and failed to share information with the public when it comes to our Crown Forests,” said Natural Resources Minister Denis Landry. “We are going to change that starting today by posting these documents online so that the public can assess them.”

The Forest Management Agreement dated July 31, 2014 has been posted online. In addition, three Memorandums of Agreement signed with forestry companies were also posted online, along with details of the additional wood which will be allocated among New Brunswick’s First Nations communities as part of the forestry strategy.

The Department of Natural Resources will post a detailed map of the province which is in the process of being finalized which shows: Crown timber licenses, protected areas, deer habitat areas, watercourses and wetland buffers, old forest habitats, and deer wintering areas.

As was announced recently in the speech from the throne, the provincial government is in the early stages of re-examining the New Brunswick Forestry Plan.

“We believe that increased transparency will lead to better results in the forestry sector which will have economic and financial benefits for all New Brunswickers,” Landry said. “I am committed to meeting with stakeholders and re-examining the New Brunswick forestry plan to ensure long-term sustainability and jobs in the forestry sector.”