FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government remains committed to reinstating the home energy retrofit program to reduce energy use and lower costs for consumers, with a focus on helping low-income New Brunswickers, and to create jobs in the construction industry through support for home renovations to improve energy efficiency.

"Our government is committed to maximizing energy efficiency to the benefit of home and business owners as we work to get our fiscal house in order,” Energy and Mines Minister Donald Arseneault said. “Maximizing energy efficiency will also help New Brunswick families, ensure long term environmental sustainability in our communities, and create jobs in the construction industry through government support for home renovations.” 

Arseneault said that the government is moving toward a ratepayer-based funding model with oversight provided by the Energy and Utilities Board. This model is designed to lessen the burden on taxpayers, provide energy savings for electrical ratepayers, and support the government’s goal to ensure energy efficiency programs meet the needs of all customers and the utility over the long-term.

Energy efficiency programs currently under the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Agency of New Brunswick (Efficiency NB), including the Commercial Building Retrofit Program, are being merged with NB Power with the establishment of a new energy efficiency unit within the utility. In addition, NB Power’s Save Twice program, previously delivered by Efficiency NB, will continue to be offered by the utility.

The government will also continue to help low-income households through funding of the Low Income Energy Efficiency Program.

“We want to help New Brunswickers stop paying for electricity they do not need,” said NB Power CEO Gaetan Thomas. “Bringing these programs into NB Power helps us expand our efficiency investments with the goal of helping New Brunswickers reduce and shift their demand for electricity, defer the need for us to build new generation, rely more heavily on renewable energy, and keep customer rates low and stable for the foreseeable future.”

Each year, NB Power will demonstrate accountability and transparency by exhibiting how their expenditures in energy efficiency are helping the utility maintain low and stable rates.