FREDERICTON – Energy and Mines Minister Donald Arseneault met on June 8 with his federal counterpart Natural Resources Minister Greg Rickford to discuss a number of energy and natural resources files that are important to both levels of government.

“It was a positive meeting for both our governments,” said Arseneault. “Developing a mutually-beneficial relationship to move our province and country forward is important.”

During the meeting the two discussed the Energy East pipeline, the Canadian Energy Strategy, the development of an offshore oil and gas accord, the importance of the New Brunswick mining sector, Chaleur Terminals and compensation for the refurbishment of the Point Lepreau Generating Station.

“We have been clear about taking a diversified approach to the energy sector and not being satisfied with putting all of our eggs in a single basket,” said Arseneault. “There are a number of projects on the horizon that are promising for the economic growth of our province, such as the Energy East pipeline and the Sisson mine project near Fredericton. New Brunswickers deserve the opportunity to receive maximum benefit from the safe and responsible development of our natural resources and other energy assets.”

Arseneault said that the provincial government’s main priorities continue to be job creation, improving its financial situation and helping families, and said that these projects have the potential to move the province forward on all three of these goals.