BERESFORD (GNB) – An opportunities summit for the provincial mining sector is taking place today in Beresford, hosted by Premier Brian Gallant.

“New Brunswickers have the experience and know-how to develop our natural resources responsibly,” said Gallant. “We have a rich history of mining in New Brunswick that contributes intensively to our economy.”

“This summit is an excellent time for business and industry to discuss the opportunities and challenges in the mining sector as well as how to further improve future mineral exploration and development in New Brunswick,” said Energy and Mines Minister Donald Arseneault.

The minister said the mining and energy sectors in New Brunswick looks promising, referring to projects such as the Sisson mine near Stanley and the Atlantic Potash fertilizer plant in Saint John as well as the potential Energy East pipeline.

This meeting is the latest in a series of opportunities summits taking place around the province to identify new prospects for creating jobs and economic growth. The opportunities identified will be reviewed and evaluated for development as part of an economic action plan for the province.