FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government is supporting a resolution that was unanimously adopted by Canada’s Building Trades Unions (CBTU) during a national conference that took place in Ottawa May 9-11.

“It is no secret that our government, among many others, supports the Energy East pipeline as an important nation-building project to help create jobs and grow the economy,” said Energy and Mines Minister Donald Arseneault. “It is important that others with a vested interest in seeing this project realized show their support, especially to the National Energy Board. I am thrilled to see this resolution from the unions.”

Hundreds of leaders from the construction industry, labour organizations and purchasers of construction services attended the conference. In total, there are about 500,000 members of the CBTU nationwide. In New Brunswick alone there are 20,000 members and there are 45,000 members in Quebec that support the pipeline effort. The CBTU is the umbrella organization that represents the 14 individual unions.

“This project is an excellent opportunity to bring meaningful and well-paying work to thousands of hard-working men and women across the country,” said Arseneault. “I know that New Brunswick’s skilled workers and trades professionals have the skills, the know-how and the desire to see this project move forward.”

According to an October 2015 report by the Conference Board of Canada, Energy East in New Brunswick will create more than 3,700 direct and indirect jobs a year during the nine-year construction phase and more than 260 direct and indirect jobs a year for the first 20 years of operation.

In addition, the project will provide $853 million in taxes for the provincial government, which is money that can be spent on schools, infrastructure and health care. An estimated $6.5 billion in GDP impact will originate in New Brunswick.

The resolution stated the following:

  • Whereas the Energy East pipeline is a 4,600 km pipeline that would transport safely 1.1 million barrels of oil per day from Alberta and Saskatchewan to refineries in Eastern and Atlantic Canada;
  • Whereas the pipeline crosses six provinces and must meet the rigorous requirements of the National Energy Board and will contribute towards energy security for North America and decrease reliance on foreign oil imports; and
  • Whereas the project’s proponent, TransCanada, has been a proven partner with Canada’s Building Trades and our affiliates;
  • Therefore be it resolved that Canada’s Building Trades Unions and our affiliates support the final approval of the Energy East pipeline project by the National Energy Board;
  • Be it further resolved that Canada’s Building Trades Unions will advocate forcefully in favour of this project in each jurisdiction across the country and at the National Energy Board; and
  • Be it finally resolved that Canada’s Building Trades Unions will advocate forcefully in favour of other comparable, environmentally sound and reasonable projects in the future.