FREDERICTON (GNB) – Public transportation in New Brunswick was the focus of a recent stakeholders’ session convened by the New Brunswick Economic and Social Inclusion Corporation.

About 200 people from across the province participated in the Dialogue on Community Transportation. Sixteen experts from New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario and Maine shared their research, experiences and knowledge of public transportation. Many communities are seeking practical solutions to solve transportation problems in their areas.

"The issue of transportation is important to all persons in our province – allowing our citizens to move for reasons such as employment, health, training and leisure,” said Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Claude Williams, who opened the session. “We need the collaboration of all sectors to reach our goals."

The dialogue was part of a series of meetings held by the corporation from June 11 to 13 in Fredericton.

Léo-Paul Pinet, corporation president, said he was satisfied with the preliminary results of the meetings.

"The situation of public transportation is paramount and urgent,” he said. “Many citizens of the province, particularly those living in rural areas, would greatly benefit from partnership arrangements for transportation. The various speakers at the conference helped to provide understanding of the current context and to better identify issues for the community. I believe we are on track."

The corporation has a board of directors consisting of 22 members representing the government, the business sector, non-profit community organizations and individuals who have lived or are living in poverty. It oversees and co-ordinates the implementation of The New Brunswick Economic and Social Inclusion Plan: Overcoming Poverty Together.