ST. STEPHEN (CNB) - A provincial project designed to involve employers and the public in reducing the wage gap between men and women was officially launched today at Ganong Bros. Ltd. in St. Stephen.

The launch was attended by Health Minister Mary Schryer, who is also the minister responsible for the status of women.

The Equality At Work program encourages employers and the public to be active participants in wage-gap reduction initiatives.

"This program is an avenue to engage employers, employees, and consumers in wage-gap reduction, leading to greater economic prosperity for all and help guide us to our self sufficiency goals," said Schryer.

The program is being implemented in co-operation with a number of New Brunswick organizations. Participants agree to assess their organizational policies and practices, which may affect gender equality in the workplace. Some of these policies include:

  • family-friendly initiatives;
  • employee development; and
  • recruitment and retention strategies.

Participating organizations will provide feedback on the materials and the process prior to the launch of the program across the province.

The tools included in the Equality At Work program will help organizations better understand their workplace profiles, areas of strength, and opportunities related to organizational practices and culture that encourage equality at work for all.

"Participating in the Equality At Work pilot was an easy decision," said Sherri Deveau-Gibbs, director of human resources, Ganong Bros. Ltd. "We are committed to ensuring our workplace is progressive with ongoing efforts to establish policies and practices that benefit all employees - regardless of gender. This program will help ensure we are able to attract, recruit, and retain the best talent in a shrinking labour market."

Ganong Bros. Ltd. is one of the seven organizations participating in the project. The others are Assomption Vie / Assumption Life; Controls & Equipment Ltd.; Co-op Atlantic; NB Power; Shannex New Brunswick; and Sunny Corner Enterprises Ltd.

"We are appreciative that a reputable organization such as Ganong Bros. Ltd. is participating in this project, which will allow us to enhance our tools prior to a provincewide launch," said Schryer.

Employers looking to participate may contact the Wage Gap Reduction Initiative for more information. Copies of the New Brunswick's five-year wage gap action plan are online.