ESGENOOPETITJ (CNB) - A new pilot project was launched today by Esgenoopetitj First Nation, the Women's Issues Branch and Partners For Youth Inc. to create a sustainable framework for teen relationship violence prevention on this First Nation.

"Addressing violence against Aboriginal women is a priority for the provincial government," said Carmel Robichaud, MLA for Miramichi Bay-Neguac. "In concert with various partners such as Partners for Youth and the New Brunswick Advisory Committee on Violence Against Aboriginal Women, we have been able to make such a project possible. We are committed to continuing the work so that all Aboriginal women in our province are able to enjoy a healthy, safe and productive life, free of violence."

Robichaud spoke on behalf of Health Minister Mary Schryer, who is also the minister responsible for the Status of Women.

In 2008, the Strategic Framework to End Violence Against Wabanaki Women was developed in partnership between the Women's Issues Branch and the New Brunswick Advisory Committee on Violence against Aboriginal Women to outline to stakeholders and governments the necessary priorities and actions to be taken to prevent violence against aboriginal women.

As part of the recommendations, the Women's Issues Branch joined with Partners for Youth Inc. to establish the pilot project by donating $25,000 to the organization to create a community action team. It will be led by young women in the Esgenoopetitj area.

"Focused on youth relationship violence prevention, this will be the first project of this kind taking place in a New Brunswick First Nations community and will be taking place over the next year," said John Sharpe, general manager, Partners for Youth Inc. "It will enable the participating youth to attend a Making Waves/Vague par vague weekend workshop and then lead and develop an initiative for their own community over the next year."

The action team will have a chance to base their framework on community and youth engagement models already in place but will be able to adapt the models to fit the needs of their specific community.