FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government has saved close to $11 million since April 2012, using a public service performance management system that encourages public servants to improve programs and services.

"New Brunswick's public service has undertaken a profound change of corporate culture by implementing a formal public service management system that has increased efficiency and accountability; improved services to the public; streamlined administration; and encouraged continuous improvement across the provincial government,” said Premier David Alward. "This has led to strategically aligned departments and agencies; a more focused workplace; and more efficient and affordable services."

Known as Performance Excellence, this system has achieved savings of $10,781,651 to date. It has been implemented across all departments to respond to New Brunswickers who want quality services delivered in a more efficient way.

"This system is now a vital part of day-to-day business across the provincial government, and today's results are very encouraging," said Alward. “Our government is determined to take it to the next level. We expect our savings to continue to grow in 2014."

Alward made this announcement as a follow-through to his 2013 state of the province address. He made a commitment to report regularly on the progress being made by the provincial government to meet its goals to strengthen the economy; improve the quality of life in New Brunswick; and achieve both of these by operating within its means.

The provincial government is now focused on smarter and more strategic management of its programs.

To date, more than 125 process improvement initiatives have been undertaken and more than 1,000 employees have contributed. These projects have reduced wait times at customer service centres and hospitals and increased the quality of road maintenance. They have also reduced costs for printing and employee travel and identified inventory management efficiencies for pharmaceutical drugs and vehicle parts.

"We clearly see a change of culture within the civil service," said Alward. "Government employees are taking ownership of these initiatives. They want to improve processes and increase value for their customers – New Brunswick taxpayers. I thank all employees for their contributions as they make a real difference to the success of Performance Excellence."

Performance Excellence, managed by the Office of Strategy Management, uses several best practices methodologies, including a Strategy Map, Balanced Scorecard and Lean Six Sigma to achieve the objectives of the provincial government.

The office, a branch of the Executive Council Office, works in close partnership with departments across government to find efficiencies and to offer better, faster services to taxpayers.

The intent of this internally designed and led approach is to build the capacity of existing leaders and employees for sustained improvement. The office and its innovative Performance Excellence process was this year’s winner of Progress Media Group’s Innovation in Practice Award.

The provincial government has invested less than $2 million to date in this program – a figure that includes employee training across government and the operational budget for the office.

New Brunswickers can find more information about Performance Excellence and see how the provincial government is performing through a set of indicators by going online. The indicators provide insight on performance progress over time.

This website also features a video of stories of employees who are making a difference and changing the culture of the provincial government.


●    Progress Magazine's article on Performance Excellence