FREDERICTON (CNB) - New Brunswickers are invited to participate in an engagement process on the property taxation and assessment system; on a new regional services delivery approach; and on municipal funding arrangements.

Local Government Minister Bruce Fitch will launch the process this week.

"We will work with New Brunwickers to find solutions that are fair and sustainable for municipalities and local service districts," said Fitch. "Together, we will find ways to deliver services more efficiently while we ensure effectiveness in property assessments and taxation.”

The citizen engagement process will happen in two phases.

The first phase phase will engage stakeholders on the topic of regional service delivery. This phase will take place between now and the end of April, involving the provincial government; municipalities; local service district advisory committees; and service providers.

The second phase will engage the public on a new regional services delivery approach; as well as on property taxation and assessment; and on municipal funding options. This phase will take place between April and June.

Locations for the stakeholder and public meetings will be announced in the coming weeks.

"This process will garner a lot of interest, and we want to ensure that everyone has a chance to be heard," said Fitch. "We will take the time to get this right, because we are committed to bringing positive change to the system."