BATHURST (CNB) – Premier David Alward announced today the start of a new direction in the delivery of government services to citizens and taxpayers.

A broad-based structural review by the Office of Government Review will focus government efforts toward core services, accountability and continuous performance improvement.  

"This structural review will drive our efforts to change the culture of government and ensure New Brunswick is able to provide appropriate and affordable services to citizens on a sustainable basis," said Alward during a visit to Bathurst to discuss the 2011-12 budget with local leaders and business people.

The review will ensure government meets its 2011-12 budget commitments, and will provide direction for the development of a three-year plan to return to a balanced budget by 2014.

A team involving ministers and MLAs who are members of the government caucus will be charged with ensuring that plans for change are identified and actions are implemented by all stakeholders in the public service.

"We have delivered a budget that cuts the deficit in half, but that is just a first step," said Alward. "Now begins the critical work of holding every branch of government accountable to taxpayers.”

“We are taking the first step to bringing accountability and meaningful measures of performance to government services and initiatives, and the first step in changing the culture of government,” said Finance Minister Blaine Higgs.