Government of New Brunswick


Using a comprehensive population health approach, the mandate of the Sexual Health Program is to improve, support and maintain the healthy sexuality of the targeted clientele in New Brunswick.


Sevices aimed at reducing unintended pregnancies target New Brunswick teenagers as well as their sexual partners, their parents and service providers.

Services aimed at reducing sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections target at risk and affected individuals as well as their sexual and drug use partners, service providers and key settings.


The aims of the Sexual Health Program are to reduce unintended teen pregnancies as well as the incidence of sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections. These services are planned according to local epidemiology and needs. Two types of services are offered:
• Sexual health promotion activities. These services target groups and populations and are offered in the community, where people live, work, study and play, and;
• Counselling and clinical services. These services are offered in sexual health centres and in the community (e.g., targeted screening activities). Where possible, Public Health staff partner with clinicians in the community to offer clinical services.

To talk to a health professional for information about sexually transmitted and bloodborne infections including HIV/AIDS:

Sexually Transmitted Infections 1-877-STI1010