FREDERICTON (CNB) - The 10 recipients of the Order of New Brunswick, the highest distinction awarded by the province, were invested into the Order today. Lt.-Gov. Graydon Nicholas presided over the investiture for the first time as both chancellor of the Order of New Brunswick and as lieutenant-governor.

Nicholas addressed the recipients during a ceremony at Government House in Fredericton.

"Today's honourees come from various backgrounds - the arts, education, business, community service, even politics," said Nicholas. "But all 10 share the spirit - the same common good - the desire to do more. They have each made a difference - in the lives of so many, and in the life of this province."

Nicholas was joined by Premier Shawn Graham, who also praised the recipients.

"The Order of New Brunswick is the highest honour that can be conferred upon any person by the province," he said. "In light of all you have done and all you continue to do for our province, it is very clear how much each and every one of you deserves this accolade."

The recipients of the Order of New Brunswick for 2009 are:

  • Frederick Beairsto, Fredericton;
  • Claudette Bradshaw, Bas de Cocagne;
  • Elphège Chiasson, Lamèque;
  • Thomas Condon, Saint John;
  • Flora MacDonald Dell, Moncton;
  • Shirley Downey, St. Stephen;
  • Bertrand Johnson, Dieppe;
  • Clare Whelton McCain, Florenceville;
  • John McLaughlin, Fredericton; and
  • Wendy Nielsen, Cambridge-Narrows.

The Order of New Brunswick was created to recognize individual New Brunswickers who have demonstrated excellence and achievement in a particular area and who have made outstanding contributions to the social, cultural or economic well-being of the province.

"In your own ways, each of you has demonstrated that here, in this province, a person can be whatever he or she wants to be," Graham said. "What's more, all of you have shown that we New Brunswickers can do even more than reach our potential. Each of you symbolizes what is best about our province. You represent the kind of resourcefulness, ingenuity, fortitude and generosity of spirit that can be found here - the very same qualities that I believe will enable our province to become self-sufficient by 2026."

The recipients were presented with a full-size medal depicting the provincial floral emblem and the shield of arms as well as a special ribbon with the colours of the shield. Members of the Order are entitled to use the initials O.N.B. after their names.