FREDERICTON (CNB) - Premier Shawn Graham will participate in the Council of the Federation mission heading to Washington on Feb. 19-20.

The mission will focus on the first meeting between the council and its American counterpart, the National Governor's Association, scheduled for Feb. 20.

Graham will also meet with members of the Obama administration and members of leading American think tanks.

Energy and environment issues will top the list of discussion subjects. Graham said he plans to use this opportunity to discuss the added potential for New Brunswick to serve as an energy hub for northeastern North America.

He said this potential would be bolstered by New Brunswick's energy agreement Hydro-Québec; the shared challenges of jurisdictions working to diversify their resource-based economies; and New Brunswick's low-cost business environment for potential investors.

"New Brunswick will soon have some of the lowest power rates in Canada for both the residential and industrial user," said Graham. "That, along with our other advantages - advanced infrastructure, a well-educated and productive workforce, close access to the American market and some of the lowest corporate taxes in North America - position New Brunswick perfectly to take advantage of business opportunities with the United States."

Trade and border issues will also be discussed during the mission.

"As Canada's most export-oriented province, it is of critical importance that we build relationships with our most important trading partner and are at the table whenever trade and border issues between our two nations are discussed," said Graham.

Also participating will be the premiers of Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island as well as the deputy premier of Newfoundland and Labrador.