FREDERICTON (CNB) – Premier David Alward welcomed the restoration of the historic names of the three branches of Canada's military. National Defence Minister Peter MacKay announced the restoration of the historic names earlier today in Halifax.

The historic names are the Royal Canadian Navy, the Canadian Army, and the Royal Canadian Air Force. Alward said the decision brings back the original titles for Canada's three services while keeping the unified, modern military structure intact.

"As premier of a province with a strong and vibrant military tradition and as a proud Canadian, I am pleased that the federal government is restoring the proud names of our three services," said Alward. "Countless New Brunswickers and Canadians fought with honour and pride as members of these services in the two world wars and in Korea. Canadian personnel also began our proud tradition of peacekeeping during the cold war under these three historic banners."

The restoration of three service names was announced 100 years, to the day, after King George V signed a letter granting a Royal Designation to what was then known as the Canadian Naval Service, giving birth to the Royal Canadian Navy.

"In restoring the names of the three branches of the Canadian Forces, The Department of National Defence is bringing back an essential part of our military heritage and of our Canadian identity," said Brian Macdonald, legislative secretary to the premier responsible for intergovernmental affairs and military affairs. "From this point forward, the historic identities of our three military commands will return to official use, reminding all Canadians of the proud tradition of service and sacrifice that the men and women serving our country continue today."

According to the Department of  National Defence, the restoration of the historical names will be phased in over time and will not affect the capabilities, organization or operational effectiveness of the Canadian Forces.


●    Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces: