EDMUNDSTON (GNB) – A seniors summit hosted by the Association francophone des aînés du Nouveau-Brunswick began Aug. 18 as part of the World Acadian Congress.

“Society is undergoing a radical transformation on a worldwide scale,” said Social Development Minister Madeleine Dubé. “People are living longer, healthier lives, which is resulting in changes at both the individual and community levels. This demographic transformation, precipitated by lower birth rates, longer life expectancy and an aging baby boom generation, will have a significant impact on our province's economic, social, and government sectors. In addition, caring for our seniors is one of our government's priorities.”

Just like the youth and women’s summits, the seniors event brings participants 50 years of age and older together for a series of discussions on relevant issues.

“It is the responsibility of the provincial government to keep in mind the well-being of seniors because they are the ones who have done so much to build the kind of lifestyle that we all enjoy today,” said Dubé. “We must work with our partners to make growing older in New Brunswick a positive experience.”

Francophone seniors from New Brunswick, Quebec, and other Canadian provinces, as well as the United States and Europe are taking part in the summit which runs until Aug. 20.