VANCOUVER (GNB) – Premier Brian Gallant is pleased with the outcomes of the first ministers’ meetings in Vancouver.

Building on commitments already taken by the provinces and territories and on the momentum from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris (COP 21), the country’s first ministers are moving forward on a national framework for clean growth and climate change to meet Canada’s international emission targets.

“We discussed the need to focus on creating jobs to address urgent economic needs and to support long-term growth in transitioning to a low-carbon economy,” said Gallant.

To this end, the first ministers directed immediate work in four areas: clean technology, innovation and jobs; carbon pricing mechanisms adapted to each of the provinces’ and territories’ specific circumstances; specific mitigation opportunities; and adaptation and climate resilience.

They also took stock of the economy and discussed the challenges facing Canadians as well as longer-term opportunities.

“Canadians want to work,” said Gallant. “We need to work together to spur economic growth right away.”

To spur economic growth, the premiers discussed many things including:

  • fostering innovation;
  • developing the skills of the workforce;
  • pursuing necessary reforms to the Agreement on Internal Trade; and
  • fast-tracking existing federal infrastructure investments in all provinces and territories, as well as making significant new investments in infrastructure.

Gallant and Alberta Premier Rachel Notley discussed the importance of the Energy East pipeline during the first ministers’ meeting and during a bilateral meeting. As a result of their efforts, all premiers underlined in their formal news release the importance and urgency of moving Canada’s resources to market in responsible, timely, predictable and sustainable ways‎.

“It is a step in the right direction for the Canadian economy to have the premiers agree on the need to move Canada’s resources,” said Gallant. “It is also positive for the Energy East pipeline. This project will bring tremendous economic benefits to Alberta, New Brunswick and the entire country while making the transportation of oil cleaner and safer.”