FREDERICTON (GNB) – New Brunswickers are invited to nominate individuals who have demonstrated excellence and achievement for the Order of New Brunswick.

The honour is awarded to outstanding people who have contributed to the economic, cultural and social fabric of the province. The deadline for nominations is April 15.

“The Order of New Brunswick is the highest honour our province can bestow,” said Lt.-Gov. Jocelyne Roy Vienneau, chancellor of the order. “The honour is a way to recognize remarkable New Brunswickers who have dedicated their lives to making a difference in their communities.”

Since its inception in 2000, more than 140 individuals have been invested with the Order of New Brunswick, including 10 last year.

“There are so many people who do incredible things in our province and we need to highlight these contributions,” said Premier Brian Gallant. “Please nominate anyone you think deserves this honour.”

More information on the order and how to nominate an individual is available online.

The recipients will be announced on New Brunswick Day.