EDMUNDSTON (GNB) – The provincial government and the Quebec government have signed a declaration to emphasize their commitment to the French language and their desire to continue advancing French in Canada.

The declaration recognizes the key role played by Acadians, Quebecois and francophone communities across the country in founding and building Canada.

“Our government is proud to sign this declaration, which is very significant for New Brunswick,” said Economic Development Minister Francine Landry, who is also minister responsible for La Francophonie. “The declaration strengthens the partnership between our province and Quebec on important issues such as francophone immigration, economic development, and education.”

By signing the declaration, the two provincial governments agree to promote the French language as part of the Canadian identity; to take concrete action to maintain the demographic weight of francophones across the country, including through francophone immigration; to encourage the active offer of services in French; and to increase intergovernmental co-operation.

“Quebec shares a francophone history of co-operation and respect with New Brunswick,” said the Quebec Minister responsible for Canadian Relations and the Canadian Francophonie Jean-Marc Fournier. “Today we are giving a new impetus to this co-operation by together committing to implement concrete steps for the future of French in Canada: a distinct advantage for the country. More than ever, it is possible to say that we can all follow this path together for the French language.”

Similar declarations have been signed between Quebec and the provinces of Ontario, Manitoba, and Yukon.