FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government welcomed the renewed commitment to infrastructure investments announced in Tuesday’s federal fiscal update.

“In the Trudeau government, we have a true partner in shared priorities like job creation and infrastructure investments,” said Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Donald Arseneault, who is also minister responsible for intergovernmental affairs. “New Brunswickers and Canadians have told our governments that they welcome these important investments, and we are proud to work together to deliver results.”

New Brunswick benefited from $177.6 million in investments from Phase 1 of the federal infrastructure investments. Under Phase 2, the province expects to benefit, in particular, from the new categories announced in the fiscal update. A new trade and transportation infrastructure category as well as a new rural and northern infrastructure category are expected to benefit New Brunswick disproportionately.

“New Brunswick is a gateway to European and international markets,” said Arseneault. “We believe we can punch above our weight in this category with critical airport, seaport, highway and rail infrastructure that could benefit from this program. Premier Brian Gallant met federal Transport Minister Marc Garneau last week and discussed at length the potential opportunities for New Brunswick under this fund.”

Arseneault said the new category for rural infrastructure is the answer to concerns raised by the provincial government to some of the per capita allocations in the first phase of the infrastructure funding.

“We believe that this is a well-rounded announcement that deserves the support of Canadians from coast-to-coast-to-coast,” said Arseneault. “I look forward to working with my federal and provincial colleagues in the weeks ahead to iron out the details of these funds and begin delivering on good projects for New Brunswickers.”