OTTAWA (GNB) – Premier Brian Gallant and his counterparts released the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change during the first ministers’ meeting in Ottawa.

“Climate change poses significant risks to our environment, health and future economic prosperity,” said Gallant. “That is why your provincial government released a new plan to combat climate change this week. It is also why we have been working with the Trudeau government and other premiers to develop a plan to grow the Canadian economy while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”

The framework was a collaborative effort among provincial and territorial governments, outlining actions that must be taken to combat climate change.

The framework affirmed partnership opportunities for clean growth and climate change among the federal, provincial and territorial governments, as outlined in an annex for each jurisdiction. As a priority, the provincial and federal governments intend to collaborate on the following:

  • advance opportunities for clean electricity generation, transmission, storage and demand management linkages across the region;
  • enhance energy efficiency programming in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across sectors and fuels (i.e., in the industrial, commercial, transportation and residential sectors, with special treatment for low and fixed income families); and
  • support industrial emission reduction initiatives through technology and energy efficiency while maintaining productivity, and recognizing opportunities for greenhouse gas reduction from industrial production in the Belledune region.

The framework builds on commitments made at the Vancouver Declaration on Clean Growth and Climate Change in March 2016, when the first ministers agreed to position Canada as a global leader in the clean-growth economy.

"What has been agreed upon by Prime Minister Trudeau and 11 of 13 provincial and territorial governments representing over 93 per cent of the population of Canada will support New Brunswick's plan to combat climate change in a way that respects our economy, challenges and opportunities," said Gallant.

The provincial government released its plan to combat climate change, entitled Transitioning to a Low-carbon Economy, on Wednesday.

“Full implementation of the Pan-Canadian Framework, along with federal government funding, is critical to New Brunswick succeeding in implementing its progressive Transitioning to a Low-carbon Economy plan,” said Louise Comeau, director of climate change and energy solutions at the Conservation Council of New Brunswick. “The Conservation Council will do its part to help implement this plan in ways that sustain our economy, as well as our environment and social well-being.”

While in Ottawa, the premier also had the opportunity to discuss other matters of importance to New Brunswickers, such as health care, with federal cabinet ministers. He met with federal Health Minister Jane Philpott, Infrastructure and Communities Minister Amarjeet Sohi, and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Minister Navdeep Bains.

The Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change and the annex outlining opportunities for collaboration between New Brunswick and the federal government is available online.