FREDERICTON (GNB) – Treasury Board President Roger Melanson, who is also minister responsible for Trade Policy, is taking a leadership role in the effort to reduce trade barriers and strengthen economic opportunities within Canada.

Melanson has assumed the chair of the Committee on Internal Trade, which is comprised of federal, provincial and territorial ministers responsible for internal trade. The committee oversees the administration of the Agreement on Internal Trade, which governs rules for trade across provincial boundaries. It is expected that a new arrangement, the Canada Free Trade Agreement (CFTA), approved in principle by the premiers in July 2016, will come into force in the coming months.

“As Canada’s most trade-oriented province, New Brunswick relies on open markets to attract investment and to get our goods and services across provincial boundaries,” said Melanson. “I am proud and fortunate to be the chair of the Committee on Internal Trade the year the CFTA comes into force. I am committed to ensuring its implementation is smooth and that its benefits flow to New Brunswickers and to all Canadians.”

The CFTA is an arrangement that supports promoting trade, investment and labour mobility across provincial and territorial boundaries, as part of a broader economic vision for Canada. Its achievements include broad coverage of the Canadian economy, a reduced regulatory burden and enhanced procurement opportunities.