FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following message was issued today by Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Jody Carr in recognition of International Human Rights Day, Tuesday, Dec. 10:

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed and adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations 65 years ago today.

Every year, we take a moment to recognize and respect the principles outlined in one of the most important documents of the 20th century.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was the first international human rights charter to recognize a number of social, economic and cultural rights, such as the right to work, to social security and to have a family.

These principles continue to be at the root of many of our most cherished government programs, such as medicare, income assistance, education and anti-discrimination legislation.

Here in New Brunswick, we take this time to remind persons of the tremendous significance of the late John Peters Humphrey, a proud New Brunswicker who drafted the declaration.

This year, International Human Rights Day falls on the heels of the passing of Nelson Mandela, one of the world's most respected, moral visionaries. He was an international human rights icon, whose determination and commitment to equality remains an inspiration to activists and ordinary persons the world over.

Mandela built a global movement against racial oppression. His efforts changed his country and the world forever. And while things changed for the better in South Africa, there are places in the world today where human rights atrocities continue.

Here in New Brunswick, the human rights commission promotes and protects human rights. We are proud of its leadership in upholding the principles of the declaration. We are committed to creating diverse, equitable, and strong communities. But, we must not become complacent.

On this day, let us be reminded of the incredible contributions of global citizens such as Nelson Mandela and John Peters Humphrey and of the community organizations working at the grassroots level here at home. Let us be inspired to continue our individual and collective efforts to advance human rights at home and abroad.